Preferred age for sales

We have long understood that not all people are suitable for sales, sales personnel must have some basic characteristics, some of which are related to personal talent, personality, and some related to personal resume, experience, about In terms of personal traits, we have analyzed many times in many previous articles. Here we mainly discuss the relatively rigid and relatively easy-to-identify factors to further analyze what kind of people are suitable for sales. Through these analyses, Further enhance the accuracy of the selection of enterprises.

All sales can basically be divided into two types: efficiency and effectiveness. This has been discussed in the previous article. The following is an analysis of their preferred age:

Adapt to the age of "performance" sales

The so-called performance type: in the face of more complex customer types and sales processes, products require a strong technical background, such as: sales of large customers. The golden age of big customer sales staff is between 20 and 35 years old, and some industries may even be longer or even 45 years old, which is closely related to the technical characteristics and industry characteristics of the products.

IT industry sales of large server sales staff, their entry age is generally around 22 years old, after 1-2 years of training, you can basically master the sales skills, and reach the peak in the age of 30, and then the salesman's way out is either diverted Either you are your own boss, and there are very few people who can be 40 years old. The same is the sale of IT products, if it is a PC, then his peak period will be greatly advanced, about 25 years old, their age of entry is generally much smaller than the age of server sales, mainly due to large server customers The reasons for more complex forms of consumption and higher technical requirements.

After research, the golden age of performance-based sales people in special industries can be extended to 45 years old. Of course, his entry time is correspondingly lagging behind. For example: animal husbandry biotechnology enterprises, feed enterprises, pharmaceutical companies, etc., in addition to their high technical content, more importantly: these industries are relatively closed and narrow, requiring sales personnel to have a strong industry accumulation, in the absence of sufficient Before the industry accumulates, sales personnel are unlikely to have better sales performance. This special industry background is even a compulsory course for sales people with very rich sales experience. Sales of such companies require more long-term relationship development rather than simple sales techniques. Therefore, the sales staff within such companies are relatively stable, and some can stay for eight years. Of course, they will also change jobs, but in general, they will still be converted in very narrow industry sectors.

In performance sales, the more challenging is the channel sales staff, he is a difficult skill in all sales. Generally speaking, the channel sales staff needs to master two very core skills, one is the sales of large customers. One is channel management.

Different from the sales of large customers, channel sales is to sell products through others. It is to talk business with people who do business. In addition to the customer value introduction of products, they also need to know how to run their own products in order to help. Dealers make money, on this basis, manage and control distribution channels. Therefore, channel sales personnel must have a business mind to be able to directly talk to the dealer's boss to achieve the purpose of controlling the channel. In general, mastering such a difficult sales skill requires a long time to "enter the road", 1 year, 2 years or even longer. Most successful channel sales have 5-10 years of channel experience and an extensive sales network. Many companies feel that channel sales are just very simple sales behaviors. Compared with big customers, they don't need too much accumulation. This is a very wrong understanding. Because of this understanding, many companies have always had problems with channel sales.

Adapt to the age of "efficient" sales

The so-called efficient sales are: do not need too high technical background and sales skills, mostly repetitive labor, need to work hard, such as: store shopping guide, telephone sales, direct sales personnel and so on.

The age of entry for efficient sales is generally low, and their general “entry time” is relatively short. Take the shopping guide as an example: from the age of 18 to 25 is the golden age, many inexperienced people, after 18 years of employment, only need 2-3 months or so, basically can achieve independent sales ability. If you apply the Molded Sales Training System, the time can be compressed to within one month.

The age of performance-based sales is generally around 20 years old, over 27 years of age, showing a significant downward trend. Many companies are reluctant to hire around 25-27 shopping guides because the shopping guides during this period are generally pregnant, so many companies require that shopping guides of this age must have children. In addition, many large-scale shopping malls and supermarkets stipulate that the age of shopping guides cannot exceed 30 years old. In addition to considering the image matching with the shopping malls, more likely to be closely related to the acceptance ability of shopping guides. Generally speaking, the shopping guide is an industry with repetitive labor and high external image requirements, so the age is generally low.

Of course, not all performance-based sales are age-required. Even from the perspective of survival rate, older people may have an advantage. Take the shopping guide as an example. In the same shopping guide position, young people are characterized by good appearance, strong ability to accept new affairs, and enthusiasm, but also have major shortcomings, such as: impetuous, poor stability, tired of learning and so on. The advantages of older age: stable, responsible, and strong experience, the shortcomings are: weak ability to accept, bad style, not enterprising, worldly, and so on. If we look at the construction of the team, the old and the new are better choices, and more of the young people are more likely to be older.

In efficient sales, the more challenging sales are “direct sales”, while the harder selling is insurance sales. The age of insurance sales staff is between 25 and 45, and the more successful age is around 30. Mainly with insurance sales need long-term customer accumulation, and need to gradually establish a good reputation. The sales of insurance are much simpler than the sales of large customers. However, in terms of customer relationship maintenance and communication skills, the skills required for insurance sales are still relatively high. Therefore, it can truly become a qualified insurance sales. The staff is still not easy.

To sum up: different sales types, different sales ages required, and a certain pattern: 1. Age has a significant impact on the survival rate of sales staff; 2. Among them, the age of the efficacy type is large, the age of efficiency Smaller;; 3. Find out the age of sales, you can increase the success rate of sales training!

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