How to sell gifts?

Gifting is a good thing but hard to do. Just ask a salesperson, you can hear his heartfelt thoughts about the customer's "doing money and not be pleased". How can I choose the right gift, the right person, the skillful delivery, and the wonderful delivery? From the delivery, to whom, when to send, how to send 4 aspects to see how to do the gift of the "four" all-American.

★What to send: Do not choose expensive, only choose the right one

1. Meet the other party's wishes

Once, a dealer selling loaders and excavators in Xiangfan City, Hubei Province, talked with a customer about business, and talked about it six times without talking about it. Later, because a gift touched the customer, the customer signed a million with her. Yuan order. What gift is so powerful? Two pairs of shoes!

It turned out that when she talked with her customers, she found that the height of the client was one meter and nine meters. I immediately thought of people of such height, and the shoes would be hard to buy. So, she made two pairs of shoes at the local shoe factory to give customers. The customer was very moved when he took the shoes. For a million yuan business, two pairs of shoes are not expensive, but expressed a sincere concern for customers, this is a good gift!

Coincidentally, a large customer of a company in Luoyang, Henan Province was offended by the former leader. The sale was ideally saved back to the customer, and the gift was visited. The result was a cold reception from the customer. In the meantime, he found that many stones were placed on the customer's bookshelf and he was inspired.

The next day, he sent two women workers to Xiaolangdi to pick up some different stones. When he took the stone out, the customer suddenly put his eyes on it. Stone is not worth the money, but for those who like to collect stones, this is a better gift in the world.

It turns out that the value of a gift is not in the price, but in whether it meets the other's wishes.

2. Send information to customers

The regional director of a product in Fujian compiled and printed a "XX Newsletter", the founding purpose is "business helpers, customer staff." He sent the "XX Newsletter" to the dealer and asked the dealer to show it to the customer. This promotional material uses A3 paper, 4 editions: one edition is a comprehensive edition, with the white paper market market comprehensive review as the highlight of the article to attract attention, supplemented by the company's product introduction and concise news; the second and third editions highlight the company's two main hits Products - XX refrigerator and XX double efficient air conditioner; in order to counterattack the new rumors of the company's new products, the fourth edition is specifically "new product special", the company's new product's impressive record and truly let the people's ideas spread in all directions.

At the same time, the regional supervisors combined with the H County people mostly know little about air conditioning, and only rely on the dealer's one-handedness to make a decision when purchasing, and issued a special edition of the dealer, and published the "Air Conditioning Dealer" on the front page. In the article, take a look at the past, take the dealers to operate the brand-name air conditioner suffered losses as an example, and propose the benefits of choosing to distribute the XX brand. After the article was published, many dealers showed their interest in the XX brand, which greatly promoted the opening of the season and the development of new outlets.

Japanese companies circulated a sentence: "Providing useful information to customers is a good gift for salesmen to give customers." A mimeographed tabloid, a magazine, can bring inspiration and help to customers, this is a good gift.

3. Care is a good gift

A salesman visited a director in Wuhan, and the director was cold. He found that there were many flowers and plants on the balcony of the director, and he dug some mud at the bottom of the lake. When he was sent to the door with a heavy woven bag of dirt, the director was moved.

A salesman knows that the client has a scapulohumeral periarthritis, and he will not heal the drug for a long time. When he heard that a certain remedy is valid, he will come to this remedy and send it to the customer.

If the sales person really cares for the customer, they will know what a good gift is.

★Who is it for: “Hands out” to key people

A regional marketing director of a brewery encountered a problem: a local hotel owner who had a good business and a prosperous business offered him a 3,000 yuan entry fee, and the company did not reserve this fee. What should I do?

He first went to work as a waiter, gave them some beautiful gifts, and climbed friendship. In the next few days, a waiter reported to the boss: "Guests want to drink XX beer, I said no, they are angry." A waiter said to the boss: "The guest heard that there is no XX beer, you have to leave, not to eat at our restaurant. Another waiter slammed the boss: "Guests want to drink XX beer."... The boss finally got angry: "Go into this damn beer!" As a result, the regional director did not spend a penny to enter the store, so The product broke into this hotel.

When Hunan Yueyang Daodao Edible Oil Company developed the hotel channel, it was found that the chef's work was very hard and often sweaty, so he bought a senior water cup and herbal tea and gave them the hearts of many chefs. The chefs asked for full oil.

Procter & Gamble warned sales people that one of the sales guidelines is "selling to key people." Salespeople must not only give gifts to the boss, but also give gifts to key people who influence your business success. Although the waiters and chefs have no rights, they are the key players influencing the business.

★When to send: the charcoal in the snow is better than the icing on the cake

A regional manager of Triumph went to visit one of his clients, hoping that the other party would pay 500,000 yuan for purchase, and the customer refused. When talking to customers, he found that the customer was absent-minded and looked like a big deal. He left his mind and asked the employees of the customer to find out that the mother of the customer was ill. Coincidentally, the mother of this regional manager is a professor at a Chinese medicine hospital. He buys gifts such as fruits and leads his mother to the client's home to see the client's mother. On the second day of the doctor's visit, his company received a payment of 500,000 yuan from the customer.

The marketing method of a pharmaceutical business representative is different from that of a general drug business representative. He sleeps during the day and sells to the hospital after 9 pm. After 9 pm, the doctor on duty has two characteristics: one is that the stomach is a little hungry, and the other is to check the room. So, after 9:00, he went to visit the doctor, sent a fine snack, let the doctor fill his stomach, and then help the doctor to look up the information. Although he rarely talks about products, doctors open his medicines.

It can be seen that gifts should be chosen at the moment when the customer needs it more, and try not to get together in the time selection.

★How to send: Gifts to be packaged

Manager Li of Xi'an, a well-known brand air conditioner, spent five months tracking an important customer. When he saw the end of the year, the customer had no clear answer, and the other three central air-conditioning business representatives also stared at the customer. How can I get closer to the customer? At that time, Xi'an was speculating on Western Christmas, and Manager Li came up with a trick.

At 9:30 on Saturday, the doorbell of the customer Zhang’s family rang. The 8-year-old son of the customer saw a Santa Claus from the cat’s eyes and hurriedly opened the door. The Santa Claus gave him a big gift - it was the big toy car he wanted. He jumped up with joy and shouted: "Dad, Santa Claus gave me a Christmas present!" Then I took a photo with Santa Claus.

Later, "Santa Claus" Manager Li got the order.

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