The difference between Hetian jade and glass products

As the market price of Hetian jade continues to rise, more and more unscrupulous merchants use glassware counterfeiting and Tianyu to sell to consumers in order to profit from it. And how can I buy natural Hetian jade? Let's talk about the difference between Hetian jade and glass.

First, the density of Hetian jade is larger than that of glass products. Therefore, the same volume of Hetian jade is heavier than glass, and Hetian jade has a feeling of pressing hands, and glass products are light and floating.

Second, the hardness of Hetian jade is larger than that of the material. If the hard object is used to scratch the glass, scratches will occur, and the stroke of Hetian jade will not appear scratches.

Thirdly, when Hetian jade is placed under a magnifying glass, it will be found that there are many stone patterns inside, while the glass products have no stone lines. On the contrary, they will see bubbles or melt marks. These bubbles are entered during processing. If the air is found in the purchase of Hetian jade, it must be glass counterfeit.

The most important thing to identify Hetian jade is to look at it more and more. Only by practicing can you master the essentials of identification.

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