Knowledge of jade

Jade, with its delicate texture, exquisite and translucent, has been loved by people since ancient times.

Jade has the effects of removing heat, strengthening the bones, strengthening the soul, clearing the blood, and clearing the ears. Jade can raise people, and people can raise jade.

The criteria for identifying jade generally include the following:

The first is to look at the proportion of jade. The greater the proportion, the more precious the jade.

The second is to look at the hardness of jade. The harder the hardness, the better the jade.

The third is to look at the color of jade. The red is green and the green is green. The enamel and the green cloth can be called gems. Of course, exquisite and translucent is also an aspect.

The fourth is to listen to the sound of jade. The brittle is better, the dumb is worse.

The fifth is to look at work. As the saying goes: Gold is priceless and jade is priceless. This sentence is not scientific. All of jade are on the pounds, purchased on the cube. Combine with art to determine its price.

Six is ​​the time to see jade. Jade has the distinction of ancient jade and modern jade. Ancient jade is a cultural relic. Modern jade is art. A piece of ancient jade, the value can be connected to the city.

Generally speaking, China's "four famous jade" is the "Hetian jade" produced in Xinjiang, the "Dushan jade" produced by Henan Nanyang, the "Yuyu" produced by Shaanxi Lantian jade and Xiuyan County of Liaoning.

Hetian jade

According to the three types of production:

(1) Ziyu: The jade that is extracted from the river. It is a large pebbled stone that has been eroded and transported into the water system. This jade has many small pieces, small pieces, good texture, water head and clean color. Among them, there are often sheep fat jade.

(2) Mountain water jade: nephrite transported by glaciers and floods, characterized by large blockiness and smooth surface

(3) Shanyu jade: refers to the original jade directly extracted from the jade mine.

Dushan jade

Color complex and diverse, distributed on the performance of jade two: First, each colored dip staggered, disorganized, and the other showed roughly parallel banded city, and there is a hue, showing the relationship between the concentration was gradual. Its texture is similar to nephrite and jade, with tough, dense and delicate properties. Its transparency can be seen from translucent, micro-transparent to opaque.

Lan Tianyu

The name was first seen in the Han book. Geography ", jade produced" Beijing North (now Xi'an North) Lam Tin Mountain. " After that, "Han. The ancient books of the Outer Biography, Zhang Heng, "Xi Jing Fu", "Guang Ya", "Shui Jing Zhu" and "Yuanhe County Map" have all the records of Lantian jade. To the Ming Dynasty, Sung in the "Heavenly Creations" said: "The so-called Lam Tin, namely Congling (Kunlun Mountains) an alias jade, then also mistaken Xi'an Lantian too." Since then in dispute after the world, there are It is said that Lantian does not produce jade at all, and some say that even jade may be Laiyu (color green like jade of vegetable leaves). In recent years, Shaanxi geologists have discovered serpentine petrochemical marble jade in Lantian, which is considered to be the ancient recorded Lantian jade (People's Daily, November 23, 1978). This discovery not only caused the attention of the geological community to find Zhuyu raw materials, but also attracted the interest of archaeologists. In 1982, the Geological Museum of the Ministry of Geology and Minerals exhibited the original stone of Lantianyu. When this kind of serpentine is strong, the part has become the same jade as the jade. From the appearance of jade, there are uneven colors such as yellow and light green, accompanied by light white marble. Although this jade is not very beautiful, because the blue field is located near the ancient city of Xi'an, the hardness of the jade is about 4, which is easy to process, so the ancients may use it as an ornament. In the Han Dynasty jade, there are two pieces of Lantian jade, which are similar to today's Lantian jade. One is a large jade shop unearthed near the Maoling Mausoleum of the Hanwu Emperor in Shaanxi, and the other is the Han Dynasty jade in the Palace Museum. From the jade and color of these jade articles, many geologists think that it is similar to the current Lantian jade. But whether it is really the ancient Lantian jade, it needs to be further examined.

Now it is the general craft name of serpentine jade in China. The generalized jade jade includes Liaoning Xiuyan jade, Guangdong southern jade jade, Sichuan Huili jade jade, Xinjiang Kunlun jade jade and Beijing Ming Tombs. The narrow jade jade refers to Xiuyan jade (referred to as jade jade) produced in Xiuyan County, Liaoning Province. It is available in a variety of colors, but is common in white and light green. Its hardness is 2.5---4. 5; specific gravity is about 2. 5; grease luster or waxy luster; translucent to opaque, and very few are transparent, similar to plexiglass.

The main domestic jade varieties are as follows:

(1) Xiuyan jade: It is a dense block composed mainly of fiber serpentine and serpentine. Its color is no less than ten kinds. Liaoning Xiuyan County is the main producing area of ​​jade jade in China.

(2) Southern Saitama: referred to as "Southern Jade", the main producing area is in Xinyi County, Guangdong Province, so it is also called "Xinyi Yu". It is a dense block serpentine rock that is dark green to pale green. Because it has a more beautiful green pattern, it is suitable for large jade carving ornaments.

(3) Jiuquan Saitama: Referred to as "Jiuquan Jade" or "Qianlian Jade", it is a dark green dense block serpentine with black spots and irregular black masses.

(4) Lu Chuan Yu Yu: Referred to as "Lu Chuan Yu", it is a dense massive serpentine rock with dark spots on the yellow-green base. The place of origin is in Luchuan County, Guangxi.

(5) Kunlun jade jade: referred to as "Kunlun jade", jade is very similar to Liaoning Xiuyan jade. The place of origin is in the foothills of Kunlun Mountain in Xinjiang.

(6) Huiyu jade: Referred to as "huili jade", it is a dark green block serpentine rock that looks like jasper. The place of production is in Huili County, Sichuan Province.

(7) Yunnan Saitama: It is a green blocky serpentinite, often containing chlorite.

(8) Minnan Yuyu: Referred to as “Jinanyu”, it is a black-green block serpentine, produced in Yinan County, Shandong Province.

(9) Jinghuang Yuyu: Referred to as "Jinghuangyu", it is a yellow, yellowish or lemon-yellow serpentine rock produced in the Laojuntang of the Ming Tombs in Beijing.

(10) Dulan Yuyu: It is a kind of block serpentine with bamboo leaves, so it is also called "bamboo jade", and its origin is in Dulan County, Qinghai Province.

The jadeite hardness is 7, and the specific gravity is 3.33. Mineral refractive index: Ng = 1.667, Np = 1.654; double folding rate of 0.012.

Common emerald colors are white, gray, pink, light brown, green, emerald green, yellow green, purple red, etc. Most of them are opaque, individual translucent, and have a glass luster. According to color and texture, there are precious green, bright green, yellow green, yang green, glass green, parrot green, spinach green, shallow green, light green, frog green, melon green, plum green, blue green More than 20 varieties, such as gray-green, oil green, and violet and glutinous rice.

There are many factors affecting the quality of jadeite, including color, texture (structure), transparency (head), cracks, impurities, etc. Factors affecting jadeite products also include processing techniques. In jade commerce, the texture and transparency are collectively referred to as "species". The texture (structure) refers to the coarse, medium and fine size of the mineral granules, including glass, ice, bean, and dry white. Transparency (head) refers to the degree of transparency. Color refers to the degree of intensity, positivity, positiveness, and sum of colors.

Traditionally, the classification of jadeite is too detailed and too complicated, which makes people argue theoretically and conceptually. Therefore, on the basis of practice, we summarize the factors affecting the quality of jadeite, and divide jadeite into: old pits, There are fourteen characteristic types such as colorless, egg white (Hibiscus), dry clear, bean seed, golden silk seed, white earth blue, cyanine, oil green, horse tooth, dragonfly, spring, blue flower and black.

(To be continued)

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