Black pearl recognition

To distinguish the dyed black pearls, it is difficult to say that it is not easy. Master the following common sense, and with your binocular observation, you will know that you are inseparable.

Color - Black pearls have a shade of light gray to black, and its beauty lies in the matching color of the dark tone. Turning the black pearl slowly, you can see that the slight rainbow-like flash is constantly changing, and no two black pearls are exactly the same. If you see a string (even a few) of black and white in uniform color, you can almost certainly be a dyed bead. The color of the dyed beads is sluggish, and the black that accumulates in the holes and squats is deep.

Shape - Is the black pearl you see unique? Round black pearls are extremely rare and of high value. Typical black pearls have oblate, pear, oval, irregular shapes, many with ç‘•ç–µ and Loop. So if you see "value black pearls", the skin is smooth and very round, it may be dyed.

Size - China or Japan's seawater pearls usually do not exceed 9 mm in diameter, while black pearls have a diameter of at least 8 to 9 mm, so round black pearls smaller than 8 mm are mostly dyed beads.

Price - Is the black pearl you see surprisingly cheap? Usually an 8mm round black pearl costs more than a thousand dollars. It is also important to dye black pearls of the same size for only one or two hundred dollars.

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