Fashion girl dress with geometric printing element strong attack

Trailer brand women have always had the fashion characteristics. Whether it is a sensual match or pure and elegant style, it combines all the elements. Below the following two colorful representative costumes sit down profile. If you like, do not miss this brand Oh!


This long-sleeved gown with a gray plaid as the background, the simple rhombus geometric pattern as an element, creating a unique new exotic fashion. Stand on the rotating stand, it is not difficult to find a strong sense of Yiyi lines, micro-high-shouldered classic design highlights the Yiyi three-dimensional sense. Personality girl can take the dark jeans series, generous fashion.

时尚女孩穿衣搭配法 几何印花元素强势来袭

Picking up poems, elegant chrysanthemums, artistic atmosphere, background design and large print together. White collar and sleeves echo each other, it is perfect. According to the oriental female body designer, Yi Yi created the golden ratio. The overall sense of printing and lines to highlight national wind.

Photo credit: Mantilla Women

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